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"Functional Woolen Worsted Fabric Technology Innovation Center of Textile Industry"
2022/6/17 15:15:29


Recently, Nanshan Zhishang worsted R & D center was awarded the "textile industry functional wool worsted fabric technology innovation center" by the China National Textile Industry Federation. This is an important identification of key laboratory and industrial achievement transformation center carried out by CNTAC in order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation system in the textile industry, and further improve the independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of the textile industry.

Nanshan Zhishang Worsted R&D Center, as an important platform for the development of functional woolen worsted fabrics, is mainly based on the company's existing research and development, according to the functional trend characteristics of the wool textile industry in product development. The research focuses on the function development of wool fabric in shrinkproof, flame retardant, anti-bacteria and moth-proof, far-infrared health care, anti-ultraviolet and other aspects, as well as the product development and technical research in the aspects of lightweight wool fabric, raw material diversification and high efficiency of production process. Up to now, the center has accumulated 45 authorized patents, including 16 invention patents, 15 utility model patents and 14 appearance design patents. Participated in the formulation and revision of 18 standards, including 3 national standards, 2 industrial standards, 4 customs standards and 7 group standards that have been issued and implemented. The establishment of the center not only provides a good platform for talent training, information exchange, detection, analysis and evaluation, research and development of new dyeing and finishing technologies and rapid industrialization in the field of wool textile and dyeing technology, but also plays a huge role in promoting the sustainable development of the wool textile industry.


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