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Nanshan zhishang through the national textile product development base review
2022/6/25 9:36:52

Recently, li Binhong, director of National Textile Product Development Center, Li Bo, Deputy Director of China Textile Information Center, Chen Xiaoli, Secretary General of National Textile Development Base and other five people, accompanied by relevant principals of worsted company, paid a one-day field evaluation visit to our company. The purpose of this evaluation is to promote our company to continue to be the "National Textile Product development base of China National Textile Industry Association".

On the same day, five members of the evaluation team visited sand table reception center, worsted dyeing Center, Filat workshop, WDC Wool Innovation Center, R&D center and other places. The process of on-site production and processing made the evaluation team highly appraise and affirm our high quality products and services, strong company strength and good development prospects. Assessment team then a line of five people, and our related department heads in the fashion square on the first floor conference room for meeting the evaluation, the assembly at the scene of the assessment team examined the characteristic products such as wool and superfine wool air, and the future direction of enterprise development strategy, new product development, marketing, quality and management had in-depth discussions, etc.

The person in charge of the evaluation group said that Nanshan Zhishang, as a benchmark of the textile industry, has actively responded to national policies over the years, accelerated the development of intelligent manufacturing, and actively promoted the advanced concept of industrial transformation and upgrading worth learning and carrying forward. According to the opinions of the evaluation team, China Textile Information Center and National Textile Product Development Center passed the re-evaluation of "National High Branch Pure Wool Product Development Base" of our company on September 6, 2019.



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